Look for *.doc


Jose Ruas

I would like to know how:

1. to read all *.doc (from a specific dir

and with this information

2. create one doc with all docs found

I'll appreciate very much your ideas.

Thank you

Jose Rua


Are you trying to look into a directory and write all the .doc file names to
a new document?


Malcolm Smith


The easiest way to locate all the .doc files in a folder is by using the
Dir$() command.

Now, for the next part. Well, this is a string of worms; what do you do
about headers and footers, sections and styles when the documents merge?

This is where the 'fun' begins...

- Malc

Jose Ruas

1. I want to look into a directory and
2. create a single .doc with all .doc files from that directory.

Suppose I have A.doc and B.doc (in the directory). I would like t
create C.doc. This file has A.doc and B.doc inside.

Here there are 2 points:
1. How to look into a direvtory to search *.doc
2. How create this new .doc from *.docs

Thank you very much for your answer.

Jose Rua

Barry Schwarz

I would like to know how:

1. to read all *.doc (from a specific dir

and with this information

2. create one doc with all docs found

I'll appreciate very much your ideas.
There is a sample of how to read the filenames in a directory in the
MVPS site http://www.mvps.org/word.

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