Look Up a record in a related Access form


Jim Normile

I have a form "Clients" which views records in an underlying client table.
Each client has an autonumber ID which is a primary key.

I have a separate table which books client transactions. Each transaction
has an autonumber Id /primary key and is linked to the client in the client
table through a lookup. There is a one-many relationship between client and

I have created a query including both tables which shows required client
info and required transaction info, and I have built a form "Client
Transactions"on this for updating and for creating new Client/transaction

When I look at clients in the "Clients" form, I can see when there is a
linked transaction through a subform from the transaction table built into
the "Client" form.

I need a button which will take me from a record in the" client" form to the
related record in the "Client Transaction" form. I think it's a piece of VB
Code on the "On Click" event of a button to be created in the "Client" form,
but I cant figure it.

Any help please

(1) IS the "On click" from a button on the client form the right way to go,
and if so can u help me with the code??

(2) If not, any other idea please

Thanks Jim Normile

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