look-up fields



I am trying to produce a report. The database I created is organized around
my review of articles published in scientific journals. The report is based
on a table called "Findings". There are about 5 fields from the table that
I would like to use in my repoort. They are CiteID, independentvariable,
dependentvariable, statisticalsignificance and citeid. The fields citeID,
independentvariable and dependentariable are lookup fields The citeID field
is a field in a parent table called Citation. The fields independent
variable and dependentvariable are lookup fields from a child table to a
table called variables.. The parent table is "Variables".
The table "Variables" has the fields variablename, variabletype, .

Whenever, I try to print a report that is based on the table findings in
which the field independentvariable or dependent variable is used as a
grouping variable, the text characters will print for only one of the fields,
not both. Instead, for the lookup field that is used as a grouping variable
an interger prints. However, when I use the citeID variable as a grouping
variable, the textname prints out.

Help! This is my first time out the gate with this software. I am trying
to use it for some of my academic duties.

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