look up last date ordered



I have a spread sheet like this

date item descr qty

9/1/06 56 desc 23
9/5/06 67 desc 100
9/8/06 56 desc 16
9/16/06 10 desc 50
9/5/06 56 desc 100

on another worksheet i have a lsit of item numbers and descriptions

i want to create a column showling last dateordered of item #56, is there a
simple way to do this?

Ron Coderre

Try something like this:

your data table on Sheet2 in A1:D6 (column headings in Row_1)

On sheet1 cell A1
This formula returns the latest order date for Item 56
A1: =SUMPRODUCT(MAX((Sheet2!B2:B6=56)*Sheet2!A2:A6))

Is that something you can work with?

XL2002, WinXP

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