a. Think Autofilter will be the easiest approach ...
Select entire cols A & B, then click Data>Filter>Autofilter
1. Click on the droplist in A1, select any name
You get all the filtered rows for that single name
2. Click on the droplist in B1, Choose "Top 10"
You get a dialog box to further tinker with for that single name
To quickly clear all filterings for the next name,
just click Data>Filter>Show All
b. Another easy, fast & relevant summarization to do is to create a pivot
Here's the easy steps to lead you in (in excel 2003):
Select any cell within the source table
Click Data > Pivot table. Click Next>Next
In step 3 of the wizard, click Layout, then:
Drag n drop "Name" into ROW area
Drag n drop "Amount" into DATA area 3 times, one below the other
Leave the 1st as Sum,
Double-click on the 2nd>select Max under Summarize by > OK
Double-click on the 3rd>select Min under Summarize by > OK
Click OK > Finish
Hop over to the pivot sheet (new sheet to the left). Drag "Data" n drop it
over "Total" to get a nice summary table showing all the unique names in the
1st col, with their corresponding Sum, Max & Min amounts in the 3 adjacent
cols to the right
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