Look up the value in the table.



I'd like to look up tables,and find a value (conversion factor), and display
on the subform.

I have following tables set up
tblTDS (TDSID, Sensor)
tblTest (Test Frequency Number, Hz and TDSID)
tblSensor (Sensor, SensorName)
tblSensorLevel (SensorLevel, FreqFrom, HzFrom, FreqTo, HzTo,
ConversionFactor, Sensor)

Form frmTDS has a subform frmTest using qryTDS-Test.

frmTDS has TDSID and a Sensor (combo box).
frmTest has Test Frequency number and Hz (combo box 1=hz, 2=khz,
3=mhz,4=ghz), and CONVERSION FACTOR.

I want to look up a converison factor in qryTDS-Sensor-SensorLevel-Test
based on
1. TDSID from main from (frmTDS),
2. Sensor from main from (frmTDS),
3. and Test Frequency number and Hz from subform (frmTest)
and disply the conversion factor on the subform.

How can I lookup the table based on the above information.
How can I compare the Test Frequency number to the FreqFrom to FreqTo.?
If a tester select 10 mhz, it will search for a hz value with mhz ("3"), and
how to find the value ("10") between FreqFrom and FreqTo?

FeqFrom, FreqTo
1 49
50 99
100 499
500 999

Thanks for everything.


submarine2000 said:
I'd like to look up tables,and find a value (conversion factor), and display
on the subform.

I have following tables set up
tblTDS (TDSID, Sensor)
tblTest (Test Frequency Number, Hz and TDSID)
tblSensor (Sensor, SensorName)
tblSensorLevel (SensorLevel, FreqFrom, HzFrom, FreqTo, HzTo,
ConversionFactor, Sensor)

Form frmTDS has a subform frmTest using qryTDS-Test.

frmTDS has TDSID and a Sensor (combo box).
frmTest has Test Frequency number and Hz (combo box 1=hz, 2=khz,
3=mhz,4=ghz), and CONVERSION FACTOR.

I want to look up a converison factor in qryTDS-Sensor-SensorLevel-Test
based on
1. TDSID from main from (frmTDS),
2. Sensor from main from (frmTDS),
3. and Test Frequency number and Hz from subform (frmTest)
and disply the conversion factor on the subform.

How can I lookup the table based on the above information.
How can I compare the Test Frequency number to the FreqFrom to FreqTo.?
If a tester select 10 mhz, it will search for a hz value with mhz ("3"), and
how to find the value ("10") between FreqFrom and FreqTo?

FeqFrom, FreqTo
1 49
50 99
100 499
500 999

Thanks for everything.

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