I have set up an checkbook register on the first page of a worksheet an
want to post expenses on to a second worksheet by expense type. I a
trying to create a formula that will search an array on the firs
worksheet and return a value associated with a particular expense type
I've used OFFSET and MATCH functions to do this and it works well a
long as there is only one occurance but I'm trying to find a way t
capture each indivual occurance. For example, if I have three entrie
in my checkbook for gasoline expenses, I want to pull all thre
expenses to the second worksheet and show them under a budget expens
labeled "gasoline". I thought there was a way of identifying th
second occurance or the third occurance of a particular array but
can't seem to figure it out
want to post expenses on to a second worksheet by expense type. I a
trying to create a formula that will search an array on the firs
worksheet and return a value associated with a particular expense type
I've used OFFSET and MATCH functions to do this and it works well a
long as there is only one occurance but I'm trying to find a way t
capture each indivual occurance. For example, if I have three entrie
in my checkbook for gasoline expenses, I want to pull all thre
expenses to the second worksheet and show them under a budget expens
labeled "gasoline". I thought there was a way of identifying th
second occurance or the third occurance of a particular array but
can't seem to figure it out