Looking for a Word Macro that will convert Embedded Excel to Word Tables on the fly.



Looking for a Word Macro that will convert Embedded Excel to Word Tables on
the fly.

I have found a few that can do one table at a time, but I am looking to be
able to run the macro on a large document.

Please contact scott@(nospam)EDGARfilings.com



Harlan Grove

Scott wrote...
Looking for a Word Macro that will convert Embedded Excel to Word Tables on
the fly.

I have found a few that can do one table at a time, but I am looking to be
able to run the macro on a large document.

If you have a macro that does this, call it from another that cycles
through all embedded Excel objects. Something like

Sub foo()
Dim x As InlineShape

For Each x In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
If Not x.OLEFormat Is Nothing Then
If x.OLEFormat.ClassType Like "Excel.*" Then
'call other macro here
End If
End If
Next x
End Sub

You may need to select x explicitly, i.e., include the statement


before calling the other macro if it works on selected Excel objects,
or put the cursor just before or just after the Excel object if that's
what the other macro expects. Better still would be parametrizing the
other macro to take a reference to the Excel object as an argument.
Please contact scott@(nospam)EDGARfilings.com

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