I am trying to illustrate the effect on a sales rep's productivity, as a
result of being called on to solve problems that should be solved by customer
Ex. A customer calls cust. srvc regarding billing issue. Customer service
senses agitation in customers voice and immediately transfers call to sales
rep who is out of the office. Sales Rep gets yelled at for not being able to
provide solution from the road. Customer is angry and sales rep is stressed
leading to customer dissatisfaction and sales rep stress.
I hope this makes sense?
I am trying to illustrate the effect on a sales rep's productivity, as a
result of being called on to solve problems that should be solved by customer
Ex. A customer calls cust. srvc regarding billing issue. Customer service
senses agitation in customers voice and immediately transfers call to sales
rep who is out of the office. Sales Rep gets yelled at for not being able to
provide solution from the road. Customer is angry and sales rep is stressed
leading to customer dissatisfaction and sales rep stress.
I hope this makes sense?