I would like to use Access to manage the production of an annual Capital
Improvements Program that tracks departmental funding request for multiple
projects. These budget request cover multiple years (6) and are summarized
by department, geographic area, and cost. They include multiple paragraphs
of text for description that is updated annually.
The result sought is a end report that can be edited from a draft to final
with simple modifcations to the input data and result in a finished report in
one step. This finished report should be desktop publishing ready.
Improvements Program that tracks departmental funding request for multiple
projects. These budget request cover multiple years (6) and are summarized
by department, geographic area, and cost. They include multiple paragraphs
of text for description that is updated annually.
The result sought is a end report that can be edited from a draft to final
with simple modifcations to the input data and result in a finished report in
one step. This finished report should be desktop publishing ready.