Looking for an example



To put several controls on a form from code.

Was playing with this but can't get it to work -
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim myLabel As Label
Set myLabel = frmMyForm.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblPrompt")
With myLabel

.Left = 10
.Top = 10
.Width = 30
.Caption = "Enter your name:"

End With

End Sub

Steve Yandl


I did a quick test and your code worked fine except a width of 30 wasn't
quite enough to fit the caption. The one think I left out was the variable
declaration. Try changing
Dim myLabel As Label
Dim myLabel As Control

Steve Yandl



I did a quick test and your code worked fine except a width of 30 wasn't
quite enough to fit the caption. The one think I left out was the variable
declaration. Try changing
Dim myLabel As Label
Dim myLabel As Control

Steve Yandl

Steve, thanks for that. Worked a treat.
But do you know how (or if you can)
lock the controls onto the Forn, as if they had been
put there at design time?

I've found I can't get to their click event code anyhow.

Thanks - Kirk

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