Looking for an Object


Bob Vance

If im looking through my code and come accross a command say
Is there an easy way to find the object and rename it with its Correct Name!


Hi Bob,

You can identify what code you're working in using the project explorer on
the left side of the vba editor. If you have the module open where the code
appears :)Command7_Click()), then that module will be highlighted in the

It's almost surely in a form's module. You can open the form in design mode
using the main database window and open the properties window (hit f4). At
the top of the properties window is a combo box where you can select any
control on the form (as well as the form itself). Click the arrow and find
the ':Command7' control. It's probably first in the list. Then look on the
form for the control that is selected.

Hope that's what you needed,

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