Looking for BOOLEAN ALGEBRA functions (specifically XOR)


RL Jones

I am looking for BOOLEAN Algebra Functions. Can't find any help in EXCEL.
While I can work around the OR, AND, and NOT, I need XOR.

Mike H


Excel doesn't have it but you can write your own quite simply

=IF(COUNTIF(A1:B1,"Some Value")=1,TRUE,FALSE)


Mike H


Can be abbreviated to:-


and it also works if both cells are blank.


Rick Rothstein

Ah, yes... very good. And I guess that could be written this way as well...


Mike H

Yes it could and until Excel include

=XOR(A1,B1) then they are as short as it gets.


Harlan Grove

Rick Rothstein said:
Ah, yes... very good. And I guess that could be written this way as well...


If A1 and B1 would always be 1s or 0s, even shorter:


Rick Rothstein

Ah, yes... very good. And I guess that could be written this way as

If A1 and B1 would always be 1s or 0s, even shorter:


Provided the user didn't need to see the result of the operation as
TRUE/FALSE, of course.

Herbert Seidenberg

An XOR could operate on any number of binary bits.
An odd parity checker would XOR all given bits,
thus checking for an odd number of bits in a word:
I vote for Harlan's formulas, having lifted them from
his post dated Jun 16, 2003.

Dana DeLouis

... until Excel include =XOR(A1,B1)

It's included as an Excel vba function.
I have no idea why it's not included as a Worksheet function.

b = a Xor b

= = = =
Dana DeLouis

Rick Rothstein

I wasn't saying to not use Harlan's formula... just noting his is returning
a number whereas the other posted formula returned TRUE/FALSE. If you used
in an expression, that difference wouldn't matter; but since all submissions
were shown as stand-alone formulas, I just figured I would note the
difference in what each returned. Besides, I wanted to give an opening to
Harlan to post back...


I think he likes being able to do that, so I thought I would be nice to him
and leave the door open for him to do that.<g> Of course, now that I took
that opportunity away from him in my response to you, I'll have to give him
a different opening for a response to this thread. Let me see... I know... I
do wonder which is the more efficient construction... Harlan's formula which
uses a MOD function call, mine which uses two NOT function calls or Mike's
which uses two logical comparisons.

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