looking for funny VBA


Amedee Van Gasse


I'm gathering information about Excel and VBA for a website (in Dutch) I'm
planning. (Sorry, it's not up yet)
One of the sections of the site would be Excel/VBA humour. I know John
Walkenbach has a large collection of spreadsheet jokes on his site, and I
plan to provide a link to it.
But does anyone know any other VBA funnies? Like how to shoot yourself in
the foot using VBA, dunno.

Anyway, the following is a bit funny in Dutch, and it actually does
something. It's an example of the kind of things I'm looking for.

Function BestaatSheet(SheetNaam as String) As Boolean

Dim Scheet As Worksheet
Dim EenFles as Sheets
Set EenFles = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
BestaatSheet = False

For Each Scheet In EenFles
If Scheet.Name = SheetNaam Then BestaatSheet = True
Next Scheet

End Function

For all you non-Dutch speakers: "scheet in een fles" means "fart in a
bottle". I don't know if the expression exists in English, but in Dutch it
means something like "much ado about nothing".

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