Looking for inexpensive custom animation add-in



Hello all:

Assembling a complex powerpoint xp show with 3-6 pix per slide, and lots of
custom animation for my classes.

Would love to store custom animation in a library to pull out and apply to
new slides.

Have trial run of Powertools Special Effects Library add-in which does what
I want ( http://www.corpimaging.com/PowerTools/pt-FXLib.htm ) but sure
cannot afford $150 for the package and there is no academic pricing.

Anyone know of anything more affordable on the market?

Many thanks!


Thanks for your suggestion "TAJ." Unfortunately I believe this applies to
"animation schemes" (the entire slide) rather than to building a custom
library for individual objects on a slide.

For example, I would like to create a custom animation that has a horizontal
blinds effect with a 2 second delay and name this "blinds 2 sec" and another
that uses a mouse click to appear by descending with a delay of 1.5 seconds
and call that "descending 1.5 sec" and so on.

The idea is then to select from the list and apply the custom effect without
having to build a custom effect each and every time. In that fashion I could
apply "blinds 2 sec" to a picture, and "descending 1.5" to a text box on the
same slide.

As I said earlier the PowerTools Effects Library is pretty close, but a
teacher cannot afford the $150 for the add-in (certainly not in this

I do have Visual Studio. Does anyone know of a VBA book on coding for

With 45 powerpoint lectures to prepare, and no budget for a $150 purchase I
feel stuck.

Appreciate any leads to build a library for custom animation.

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