Looking for Methods on posting charges


Joe Cilinceon

What I have is a payment form. Some items and their default values are show
on the form based on a tenants balance due. Now these items can be changed.
For example if a tenant has rent due and a late fee, I can now zero out the
late fee and it is removed from the total owed. What I need is a method to
add items that don't normally get figured into the balance due. For example
say I want to charge a tenant a cleanup fee or a lock cut fee. These thing
would need to be added to the charges. I hope that is clear.


If you do not have a method to add a new record on your form, you will need
create one. If you have the Access Form Navigation buttons on your form,
then it will create a new record for your. If not, you will need to create a
command button to add a new record.
Once that is done, you will have to add to your form so you can enter the
information about the charge. If the charge types are predefined (Rent, Late
Fee, etc.) and you are using a combo box to select them, then you will need
to set Limit To List to No and write code in the Not In List event of the
combo add the new charge type. Since I don't know your form in detail, I
can't give a whole lot more info, but If you need additional help, post back
with more detail.

Joe Cilinceon

I found a way to do it with very little change to my existing form. I'm
adding a subform based on a temp table that will be loaded with the default
charges with 1 charge on record all using the current transaction. I can now
add charges or remove charges. It also gives me a chance to cancel the
transaction for what ever reason. Once accepted is uses an append query to
update the tables and delete the records in the temp table. Very similar to
the method I'm using that allows for multiple payment methods, such as
paying a single payment with a check and cash. It also allows me enter and
allowances easier by simply entering a Charge Description (from a lookup
list) and entering a neg number. Thanks for responding Klatuu it is greatly

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