Looking for shortcut to autofill a series


Rick Bedard

Is there a shortcut key to copy down a column or accross a row to autofill a
series of numbers or data (such as Jan, Feb, Mar, etc)?

For example, if I want a series of numbers from 1 throuh 100, I can enter 1
in the first cell, 2 in the second cell to define the series then select
both cells and drag the fill handle down with the mouse until I reach 100.
Can I do this without using the mouse to drag the fill handle?

I know I can highlight the entire block and press CTRL-D to copy down the
data in the first cell (and overwriting the data in the second cell) but I'd
like to know if I can have it fill it with the series of numbers defined by
the initial cells in the block. I have to do this a lot and hate using the
mouse. I'd rather use the shift key to define the block and use some
shortcut key similar to the CTRL-D combination but one that allows it to
calculate a series instead of just copying the first cell.

J.E. McGimpsey

You could put this macro in your Personal.xls workbook and assign a
keyboard shortcut:

Public Sub FillSeries()
Selection.DataSeries _
Rowcol:=xlColumns, _
Type:=xlLinear, _
Date:=xlDay, _
Step:=1, _
End Sub

David McRitchie

Do you know about double-clicking the fill handle to fill down
as long as there is something contiguous to the left ; or, if there
is nothing to the left of the selected cell then as long as there is
something on the right.

For a text series you do not need to fill in the second cell to
determine the series increment. For a number series you do
have to file in the second cell as you indicated -OR- you can
use the RtMouse button and specify the type of increment.
You can make your own custom lists
Tools, Options, Custom Lists

I think the series you specifically mentioned
Jan, Feb, Mar, ... as text comes with Excel.

For numeric series:
Select the area by dragging the fill handle with the RtMouse button
There is no need to fill in the second cell to increment by 1 as you
would do with the LtMouse button)

You can specify how you want the filling to be done if you use the
RtMouse button instead of the LtMouse button when you use the
fill handle to drag your selection down. After dragging you will be
asked what you want to do.
|| copy values, fill series, fill formats, fill values||
|| fill days, fill weekdays, fill months||
|| Linear trend, Growth Trend, series ... ||
with other choices where applicable.

HELP topics, see
Fill in a series of numbers, dates, or other items
Create linear and growth trends with the Series command

My page on the fill-handle is

Don't know if that helps you, because you did say without dragging
the mouse, but just wanted to indicate that Ctrl+D is not your only
choice, so this might be of use because you do not have to type in
the next value of the series to determine the increment. for 1,2,3
or Jan, Feb, Mar.

The macro supplied by John is a very specific increment for days
so would only be an example, so I think for what you specifically
asked for you would have to make a few variations.

Ctrl+D fills down, and Ctrl+R fills to the right.

Shortcut keys

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