Looking for support files for SAMS "Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2000 Automation in 24 Hours"



The book "Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2000 Automation in 24 Hours"
mentions a companion web site (www.mcp.com/product_support) which is no
longer available. After contacting SAMS Publishing directly, I learned that
the book is no longer being supported and therefore no downloads are
available. SAMS suggested emailing the author of the book, Pamela Palmer.
Some of the web sites which promote the book have her email listed as
'74170,[email protected]' , but this is no longer active.

I know this is a long shot, but perhaps there's someone reading this thread
who still has the support files for the book (they look to be word docs and
templates) stored away and would be willing to share them with me. Any help
in this matter would be most appreciated.




Giving it another desperate shot--still looking for the support files for
"Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2000 Automation in 24 Hours." If you have
them, or know where they could be downloaded, or perhaps know of how I could
contact the book's author, please contact me.

Thanks for your time.


Check your local library. If they have a copy or they can get one, it should
have the support files you need.


Thanks for the suggestion, but the support files were not originally
included with the book, so it's not a case of a missing disc or CD. The
were available for download from the web at a companion web site.
Unfortunately, that web site mentioned in the book no longer exists, nor
does the publishing company currently support the book. The best shot to get
the files, so it seems, is to get them from the books author or find a user
who downloaded and saved the original files.

Take care.

rlampky said:
Check your local library. If they have a copy or they can get one, it should
have the support files you need.

Howard Kaikow

According to comments about the book at amazon:

1. Others have also found the source to be unavailable.
2. The book is not highly regarded.

You might do better by purchasing Steve Roman's Writing Word Macros (ISBN:
Currently, $21.95 at www.bookpool.com (free shipping for orders of $40+)
and $22.63 at www.buy.com (free shipping on orders of $25+).

Also see the list of Word VBA books at my URL below.

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