Looking up Data in Table


Jim Porter

I have an application where I will put data in a table
with 4 columns and 12 rows...this data will never change.

Then, I would like to have three cells for the user to
answer (Cell#1: A,P or G), (Cell#2: 2,3,4 or 5), Cell#3:
(C, M, D).

Based on the users response (like G, 3 & M), I would like
to display the contents (.96 in this case)of the data
table that corresponds to those choices in an answer cell.

Material (A,G or P) ____
Category (2,3,4 or 5) ____
Conditions (C,M or D) ____

Answer: ____

- - C M D
A 2 .86 .82 .75
A 3 .79 .74 .68
A 4 .75 .61 .53
A 5 .79 .73 .66
G 2 .98 .96 .84
G 3 .98 .96 .84
G 4 .85 .75 .65
G 5 .90 .85 .75
P 2 .86 .82 .75
P 3 .79 .74 .68
P 4 .75 .61 .53
P 5 .79 .73 .66

How can this be done in Excel?

Peo Sjoblom

Select your table and give it a name, let's call it MyTable It would be a
5x12 large table (not 4 columns)
Then use this array formula


entered with ctrl + shift & enter

where H1 is your cell #1, H2 cell#2 and H3 cell#3
Using P in H1, 3 in H2 and D in H3 will return 0.68


The attached file shows one solution.
I reformatted the data to allow an array formula
to work.

If you need the data to remain in the table as explained in your OP,
please let me know.

Attachment filename: lookup exeltip.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=399175

Jim Porter

Thanks Peo....I'll give that a try

Jim Porter

-----Original Message-----
Select your table and give it a name, let's call it MyTable It would be a
5x12 large table (not 4 columns)
Then use this array formula

=INDEX(MyTable,MATCH(1,(INDEX(MyTable,,1)=H1)*(INDEX (MyTable,,2)=H2),0),MATC

entered with ctrl + shift & enter

where H1 is your cell #1, H2 cell#2 and H3 cell#3
Using P in H1, 3 in H2 and D in H3 will return 0.68



Peo Sjoblom


Jim Porter


You are the Wizard!...Wow....works great...how can I ever
thank you enough...

Jim Porter

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