Well right now I am generating a "username" and then checking to see
if the "username" is unique or not. I have a table set up with 1000s
of usernames so I am trying to make sure that the same one does not
get used over. So with that in mind I am letting the end user
generate their name and then I want it to go through the table and see
if its unique and if it is unique to send a message saying "its
unique" and if not then to add a "A" or "B" to the end of it depending
how many times the name has been used. I am having trouble looking up
the name in the table. I just keep getting the same name I have in
the textbox although its a unique name. Here is what I have so far.
strfirstname = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![FIRSTNAME]
strmiddlename = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![MIDDLENAME]
strlastname = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![LASTNAME]
[Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![usernametextbox] = Left(strfirstname,
1) & Left(strmiddlename, 1) & Left(strlastname, 6)
strusername = usernametextbox.Value
'MsgBox "Username: " & strusername, vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search
Dim strusernameRef As String
Dim strSearch As String
'Check txtSearch for Null value.
If IsNull(Me![usernametextbox]) Or (Me![usernametextbox]) = ""
MsgBox "Please enter First Name, Middle Initial and Last
Name!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
End If
'Performs the search using value entered into txtSearch
'and evaluates this against values in strStudentID
Me.USERNAME = DLookup("[username]", "[IMPORT]",
"[usernametextbox]='" & [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]!
[usernametextbox] & "'")
DLookup("CatID", "IMPORTegories", "[USERNAMEgFieldName] = '"
&Me.Item & "'")
DoCmd.GoToControl ("usernametextbox")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!USERNAME
strSearch = usernametextbox.Text
intAsciiValue = 65
strusernameRef = USERNAME
Do Until strusernameRef <> strSearch
If strusernameRef = strSearch Then
MsgBox "Username: " & strSearch & " Is Already In
Use. A New Username Will be Provided", , "Choose another Name!"
usernametextbox = ""
strusernameRef = strSearch & Chr(intAsciiValue)
MsgBox "New username name is: " & strusernameRef, ,
"Choose another Name!"
usernametextbox = strusernameRef
intAsciiValue = intAsciiValue + 1
'If value not found sets focus back to txtSearch and shows
MsgBox strusernameRef & " - Username Is Unique.", ,
"Username Unique!"
End If
End Sub
Any help is appreciated!
if the "username" is unique or not. I have a table set up with 1000s
of usernames so I am trying to make sure that the same one does not
get used over. So with that in mind I am letting the end user
generate their name and then I want it to go through the table and see
if its unique and if it is unique to send a message saying "its
unique" and if not then to add a "A" or "B" to the end of it depending
how many times the name has been used. I am having trouble looking up
the name in the table. I just keep getting the same name I have in
the textbox although its a unique name. Here is what I have so far.
strfirstname = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![FIRSTNAME]
strmiddlename = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![MIDDLENAME]
strlastname = [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![LASTNAME]
[Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]![usernametextbox] = Left(strfirstname,
1) & Left(strmiddlename, 1) & Left(strlastname, 6)
strusername = usernametextbox.Value
'MsgBox "Username: " & strusername, vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search
Dim strusernameRef As String
Dim strSearch As String
'Check txtSearch for Null value.
If IsNull(Me![usernametextbox]) Or (Me![usernametextbox]) = ""
MsgBox "Please enter First Name, Middle Initial and Last
Name!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
End If
'Performs the search using value entered into txtSearch
'and evaluates this against values in strStudentID
Me.USERNAME = DLookup("[username]", "[IMPORT]",
"[usernametextbox]='" & [Forms]![ADD_EDIT_RECORD_FRM]!
[usernametextbox] & "'")
DLookup("CatID", "IMPORTegories", "[USERNAMEgFieldName] = '"
&Me.Item & "'")
DoCmd.GoToControl ("usernametextbox")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!USERNAME
strSearch = usernametextbox.Text
intAsciiValue = 65
strusernameRef = USERNAME
Do Until strusernameRef <> strSearch
If strusernameRef = strSearch Then
MsgBox "Username: " & strSearch & " Is Already In
Use. A New Username Will be Provided", , "Choose another Name!"
usernametextbox = ""
strusernameRef = strSearch & Chr(intAsciiValue)
MsgBox "New username name is: " & strusernameRef, ,
"Choose another Name!"
usernametextbox = strusernameRef
intAsciiValue = intAsciiValue + 1
'If value not found sets focus back to txtSearch and shows
MsgBox strusernameRef & " - Username Is Unique.", ,
"Username Unique!"
End If
End Sub
Any help is appreciated!