Lookup a Canada postal code in a range of values



I have two spreadsheets: One with a list of various Canada postal codes
(e.g., V2N4Z9) and one with various ranges of Canada postal codes (e.g.,
Start Postal Code = V2R4Y4, End Postal Code = V2R5B7). However the postal
code ranges aren't consecutive. What Excel function/formula can I use to
determine if the postal code in the first spreadsheet is within one of the
postal code ranges in the second spreadsheet? Thanks.

Peo Sjoblom

You would need numerical codes to do that, so in this case you would need
all codes



Peo Sjoblom

Fred Smith

The following formula assumes the target postal code is in C2, the start
codes are in column D, and the end codes are in column E:

=if(SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2>D1:D5),--($C$2<E1:E5))>0,"PC in one of the
ranges","PC not in any range")

Adjust your ranges to suit.


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