Lookup and copy multiple values



Once again thanks for all the previous help from these forum.
Here my problem is
i need to lookup up multiple values existing in a sheet and copy them in to
my quotation sheet. in other words i will have a customer reference number
in one column. basing on this reference number Excel should copy and paste
all the matching values in the next column to my quotation sheet (in row
after row).

Apologies if my example cannot give what exactly i am looking for.

Any speedy help would be really appreciable.


Dear Ashish thanks for your speedy advise.
Gone through the topic, but could not find what i am looking for
Can you help me out further.

what i am looking is "copying all the contents of one column basing on one
condition of one sheet and pasting them in to another sheet row after row"
Hope i am clear in asking

Ashish Mathur

Dear Vijay,

Could you kindly be more descriptive in your question. Also, please paste
the data in the question so that the question is clear.


Ashsih Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP


Dear ashish,
My question is
" I want to lookup multiple cell values in column2 basing a condition in
Column1 of Sheet1 and paste all the (for example 10 cells) cell values in
sheet2 in one after another rows"

In other words the following example may explain

Sheet 1 (The existing data) sheet 2 (What i am looking for)
col 1 col2 col1 col2
a 1 a 1
b 2 3

a 3 4
a 4 5
a 5

and the "A" in col1 of sheet2 will be changing frequently. Basing on the
condition "A" of col1 of sheet 2 the formula should copy all the related
values of col2 of sheet1 and paste them in col2 of sheet 2.

Hope i explained well.


Dear Ashish,
followd your link and am able to do up to getting the row numbers, but i am
not getting the values from Column B (May be some thing is missing in the
formula what you have pasted) and i am getting the error message like "You
have entered too few arguments etc.," (i am just coping your formula and
working on the same example which you have illustrated).

May be you should throw some light on "Returning corresponding values from
Column B" and advise me accordingly.
once again thanks for you speedy help.

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