Lookup and paste



Morning all.

A simple function for most of you but one that I have never had to do
before... I need to look up a data set that is refreshed daily and
paste a value that meets the criteria into the same sheet.

I will have a data import running into the same worksheet that the data
is to be pasted into as below.

type1 old 123
type2 old 456
type3 new 789

I need to match the two criteria ie type2 and old to get 456.

Then match type2 and B in the same worksheet as well as yesterdays date
in another area of the sheet and paste the value accordingly.

21/2/2006 22/2/2006 23/2/2006 24/2/2006 etc.......
type1 new
type2 old 456
type3 old
type4 new

Any help is as always greatly appreciated.



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