Lookup Data based on 2 search criteria



Currently Im trying to write a formula with 2 search criteria:
1. Write a month/yr (in a validation list), which searchs for
this in another 12 month table with the dates as titles.

2. After finding the correct month/yr (fx. JAN-09), then I want to look
for a word ("PG"). Then I will be able to look for the correct number in the

Also, as the month-yr is in a validation list, I want the list to update
when I chose the month-yr. The words do not have to be flexible.

April-09 January-09 May-09
3 4 7 2 2 4

If tried several functions+arguments but now I am about to throw in the towel.

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T. Valko

Ok, let's sort this out...

You have a data validation drop down list?
The selections are *TRUE Excel dates* in the format mmm-yy?
Your table has column headers that are *TRUE Excel dates* in the format

You want to find the date in the table then find the string "PG" associated
with that date and return the numeric value?

OK, sounds reasonable. All you have to do is tell us, in *GREAT* detail,
where this stuff is!

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