I have a simple graph that collates data from a week. I have a formula in a
cell for the weekly total that transfers minutes into hours. I.E 270/60 =
4.5. On the weekly total graph, I want the total number of hours from the
cell to be displayed at the top next to the heading. So the heading would be;
Total Number of Hours lost 4.5
Can I create a lookup cell on a graph that looks up this data.
Many thanks in advance....
cell for the weekly total that transfers minutes into hours. I.E 270/60 =
4.5. On the weekly total graph, I want the total number of hours from the
cell to be displayed at the top next to the heading. So the heading would be;
Total Number of Hours lost 4.5
Can I create a lookup cell on a graph that looks up this data.
Many thanks in advance....