Hi Scott,
Lookup fields defined at the table or query level art the creation of thy
evil one. See the second commandment of Access here:
The Ten Commandments of Access
Combo boxes on forms, used to assist in data entry, are perfectly fine.
You can add a record to the Employees table, such as " Former Employee". The
space in the front will cause this to sort to the top of the list when sorted
ascending. Then run an update query whenever you need to re-assign records
for a given employee's name to this new value.
You can also use Access MVP Allen Browne's Cascade to Null idea, so that you
can delete an employee from the employees table while still maintaining the
Cascade to Null Relations
Or, you can append an asterisk to inactive employee records, and sort these
at the bottom of the list. Something like this:
Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP