Lookup Fields at Table Level; Why not


Ed Warren

I've been reading various posts for some time and have seen several posts
warning against using lookup fields at the table level. Should be used only
at the form level.

The problem is all say "don't do it" and none have explained why not?

I can't see any really good reason to do it, but then I'm not sure where the
down side is?

Ed Warren.


While it is technically possible to do certain things in some circumstances,
it's a better general practice to avoid them because there may also be
circumstances that create serious problems or annoyances. This is "style".
A few:

1) Lookup fields in tables.
2) Spaces in names.
3) "Smart" keys is SQL.


Thou shalt never allow thy users to see or edit tables directly, but only
through forms and thou shalt abhor the use of "Lookup fields" which art the
creation of the Evil One.

(Ten Commandments)

Ed Warren

Now I stand enlightened, thanks. The reasons provided make good sense.

Ed Warren.

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