I have a spreadsheet that looks like the following. Tab 1. Col A=Name. Col B
= Task.
Bob Reconcile Cash
Tim Do Sales Report
Bob Create presentation
Tim Prepare financial statements
Bob Hire staff person
Now on tab two, I want to create another list that pulls all the tasks
together by person. For example, Tab 2 would look like this:
Bob Reconcile Cash
Bob Create presentation
Bob Hire staff person
Tim Do Sales Report
Tim Prepare financial statement.
I realize I can just sort this list by name but I don't want Tab 2 to work
like that. I'm frequently shuffling tasks between people so I want Tab 2 to
automatically update as I'm moving tasks around between people. I want to
have some form of lookup formula in Tab 2 that says "get the first task for
Bob and return it," and then "get the second task for Bob and return it."
= Task.
Bob Reconcile Cash
Tim Do Sales Report
Bob Create presentation
Tim Prepare financial statements
Bob Hire staff person
Now on tab two, I want to create another list that pulls all the tasks
together by person. For example, Tab 2 would look like this:
Bob Reconcile Cash
Bob Create presentation
Bob Hire staff person
Tim Do Sales Report
Tim Prepare financial statement.
I realize I can just sort this list by name but I don't want Tab 2 to work
like that. I'm frequently shuffling tasks between people so I want Tab 2 to
automatically update as I'm moving tasks around between people. I want to
have some form of lookup formula in Tab 2 that says "get the first task for
Bob and return it," and then "get the second task for Bob and return it."