I'm trying to do a simple lookup function that puts a value in a cell based
on the value in another cell. I copied an example from the help and it works
for that but I cannot get it to work with my data. Example: I'm using a
drop down list in column A. Depending on what is chosen will then put data
(using the lookup) in column B. Here is the lookup that I can't get to work:
=LOOKUP(A1,{"ADL Group","ADL Individual","Case Management","ADL Training
Anything past 3 items and it stops working. The example in help was for
Grades and works fine but with the above (I have 26 options I need to put in)
stops after I get three entered. The above ADL Training Group will not put
the corresponding 5.77 in Cell B1 if chosen.
Any help would be appreciated.
on the value in another cell. I copied an example from the help and it works
for that but I cannot get it to work with my data. Example: I'm using a
drop down list in column A. Depending on what is chosen will then put data
(using the lookup) in column B. Here is the lookup that I can't get to work:
=LOOKUP(A1,{"ADL Group","ADL Individual","Case Management","ADL Training
Anything past 3 items and it stops working. The example in help was for
Grades and works fine but with the above (I have 26 options I need to put in)
stops after I get three entered. The above ADL Training Group will not put
the corresponding 5.77 in Cell B1 if chosen.
Any help would be appreciated.