LOOKUP Function Not working



I'm trying to do a simple lookup function that puts a value in a cell based
on the value in another cell. I copied an example from the help and it works
for that but I cannot get it to work with my data. Example: I'm using a
drop down list in column A. Depending on what is chosen will then put data
(using the lookup) in column B. Here is the lookup that I can't get to work:

=LOOKUP(A1,{"ADL Group","ADL Individual","Case Management","ADL Training

Anything past 3 items and it stops working. The example in help was for
Grades and works fine but with the above (I have 26 options I need to put in)
stops after I get three entered. The above ADL Training Group will not put
the corresponding 5.77 in Cell B1 if chosen.

Any help would be appreciated.


Your loolup values need to be in ascending order. This would probably be
easier if you created a table in your workbook instead of trying to put it
all in the formula.


David Biddulph

The answer is in Excel help for the LOOKUP function, in the paragraph headed
"Important" in bold red letters.


I'm sorry your having such a bad day

David Biddulph said:
The answer is in Excel help for the LOOKUP function, in the paragraph headed
"Important" in bold red letters.

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