LOOKUP function



if the exact lookup_value is not found, it will approximate to the nearest
figure below the requested value.
For Example:
Code Name Qty.
10 Ali 3434
11 Vahid 356
13 Farid 67
14 Mohammad 324
15 Farbod 785

In "Code" column, "12" does not exist.
When I Lookup column "Code", it will be as follow:
Code Name Qty.
10 Ali 3434
11 Vahid 356
12 Vahid 356 <------- (This row is the same as "11")
13 Farid 67
14 Mohammad 324
15 Farbod 785

I want to have empty cells or zero when there is not "12".

Please help me.

Jacob Skaria

Use VLOOKUP(). Refer help for details and syntax


To retrun the 3rd column (Qty)

If this post helps click Yes

Bob Phillips

If you have Excel 2007, you can use IfError



Many Thanks.
I use Excel 2003.

Bob Phillips said:
If you have Excel 2007, you can use IfError




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