Lookup Hours from table based on date range...



Thanks in advance!

- large raw data table w/ 2 date fields (start & end) amongst lots of
other data
- there's a field that totals the time for process from start
to end
- there's also a field with an equipment number for that line

- 2nd large data table w/ engineering/offline time information for
each piece of equipment for each day (hours per equip# per date)

I need to come up with a formula or macro to take out the
engineering/offline time from the process time for each line item in
the large raw data table.

Ex: start = 1/1/2006 00:00 ; end = 1/5/2006 00:00 ; total = 96:00
engineering/offline : 1/1/2006 = 12 hours ; 1/2/2006 = 6 hours ;
1/3/2006 = 6 hours ; 1/4/2006 = 12 hours Total = 36 hours

I need to be able show that for this line item in the raw data
table that the applicable time is 60 hours (96 - 36).

I'm stumped!

thanks again.

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