Lookup in 3 different columns beneath a merged header


Markus Gern


I have a production sheet where I controll the production of our 3 products
by date like:

a1, b1 and c1 are merged as date
a2 prod1 b2 prod2 c2 prod3
a3 quant1 c3 quant3 c3 quant3

I need to get tthe quantity of a specific product at a specific date.
HLOOKUP doesn´t work because of the merged cells at the top. (Always will
get the info of the first column)

Trying to do it using INDEX and MATCH but I´m loosing it at the poitn that I
have to give 2 different criteria to search for. (date and product)

Thanks for the help.



If you are not using row 4 then you can make use of it as a helper
row, with this formula in A4:


Copy this across into B4 and C4.

Then you can use INDEX and MATCH using this as the key to find the

I suspect your sheet is more complex than you describe, as I'm not
sure where your other dates would be or indeed where you would specify
which date and product you are interested in, but post again with more
details if this does not help.


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