Lookup info - Really need help please



Good morning. A couple of years ago I saw a formula that would allow you to
look up info in a column (the NAME column below) and return all the data in
any row that found a match. So, you could have a separate worksheet that
would return all rows that had the name "Smith" or whatever in the Name
Column. Can somehow help me figure out that formula? Thanks. Cyndi

Jnl Date Trans# Description Account Amount Name
7/1/08 09-000001 Grad Lunch 623812 75.00 Smith
7/2/08 09-000002 Conf Reg Fees 623868 112.00 Smith
7/3/08 09-000003 Telephone 611111 66.00 Jones
7/1/08 09-000004 Staff Lunch 623812 88.00 Jones
8/1/08 09-000005 Cell phone 611150 99.99 Jackson
7/14/08 09-000006 Telephone 611111 108.10 Jackson


I know I can filter, but I want to create a report based on the rows that
apply to a specific name. I'd like to report on a separate worksheets for
other users who don't know how to filter.

Can you explain what find tools.is?

Don Guillett

They won't have to know how to use the filter if you set up a
worksheet_change event macro to do it for you. Right click sheet tab>view
code>insert this>modify to suit.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> "$I$1" Then Exit Sub
Range("G1:H1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Target
End Sub

Don Guillett

With this mod they can type in all to unfilter. Put a comment in the cell

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> "$I$1" Then Exit Sub
If UCase(Target) = "ALL" Then
Range("G1:H1").AutoFilter Field:=2
Range("G1:H1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Target
End If
End Sub


Here's an easy, fast non-array play which drives exactly the results that you

Illustrated in this sample:
Filter over lines by key col in another sht.xls

In Sheet1,
Source data is assumed in cols A to F, data from row2 down,
with key col = col F (name)

Put in say, H2:
Copy H2 down to cover the max expected extent of data in key col F
Leave H1 blank

Then in Sheet2,
A dv is created in A1 to select the name, eg: Smith, Jones, etc
In B2: =IF(C2="","",ROWS($1:1))
In C2:
Copy C2 across to H2. Select B2:H2, fill down by the same extent as in
Sheet1's col H. This returns all the lines for the name selected in A1,
neatly bunched at the top. Col B returns a simple row numbering dependent on
the # of result lines returned.