Lookup or Match



I have a sheet with inventory, col (A) material Col (B)
description and Col (C) Part Number.
I also have a sheet that does a Bill Of Materials.
It gives material and description. I need to lookup the
material and match it to the description and retun the
part number. I am stumped.

Don Guillett

Have you tried looking in HELP index for vlookup and hlookup and match?
will lookup whatever is in cell a1 in column 2 of the table you created. the
0 is the same a false in the examples in help.
match will find the row in a colum of the sought item
=match(a1,b2:b200) to find the row
then use
index (look in HELP) to combine with match.
This is how we learn.


-----Original Message-----
Have you tried looking in HELP index for vlookup and hlookup and match?
will lookup whatever is in cell a1 in column 2 of the table you created. the
0 is the same a false in the examples in help.
match will find the row in a colum of the sought item
=match(a1,b2:b200) to find the row
then use
index (look in HELP) to combine with match.
This is how we learn.

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)


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