Lookup table and relationships



I intend to have my lookup tables in the Front-End on the
local drive and keep them in sync with back-end lookup
tables every time the user starts up.

Should the relationships and referential integrity be in
the Front-End with the front-End lookup tables or Back-End
with the lookup tables that are in the back-end?

many thanks

Allen Browne

Generally, the lookup tables should be in the back end because:
- You cannot enforce a relationship between tables in different mdb files.

- If the users need to add items to the lookup tables, having them in each
local front end will not work.

The tables in the front end are best reserved for things like:
- Zip file data, where the users are not adding items, but you may wish to
add them when you release updates.

- Temp tables, where each user is storing data particular to
calculations/reports they are performing.


Thank you Allen

-----Original Message-----
Generally, the lookup tables should be in the back end because:
- You cannot enforce a relationship between tables in different mdb files.

- If the users need to add items to the lookup tables, having them in each
local front end will not work.

The tables in the front end are best reserved for things like:
- Zip file data, where the users are not adding items, but you may wish to
add them when you release updates.

- Temp tables, where each user is storing data particular to
calculations/reports they are performing.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.



Thank you Allen

-----Original Message-----
Generally, the lookup tables should be in the back end because:
- You cannot enforce a relationship between tables in different mdb files.

- If the users need to add items to the lookup tables, having them in each
local front end will not work.

The tables in the front end are best reserved for things like:
- Zip file data, where the users are not adding items, but you may wish to
add them when you release updates.

- Temp tables, where each user is storing data particular to
calculations/reports they are performing.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.


david epsom dot com dot au

After doing this, I found that (1) sync at start-up was
quite slow, and (2) when we switched from 10M network to
100M network, there was no speed advantage to the local


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