Lookup Table Format


Tim McKeaveney

Hi all.
I have come across a problem with using a linked value in a lookup value.
The situation has arisen trying to format an aircraft register.

Table1: tblAircraftRegister
AC_ID --> (Primary Key, Autonumber)
Engine --> (Lookup Table Wizard, lookup table has been set to display the
engine manufacturer and model from tblEngine)

Table2: tblEngine
ENG_ID--> (Primary Key, Autonumber)
EngineManufacturer --> (Lookup Table Wizard, connected to
EngineModel ---> (text field)

Table3: refEngineManufacturer
ENG_MANUF_ID ---> (Primary Key, Autonumber)
EngineManufacturer --> (text field)

The display for the drop down box for the engine field in
tblAircraftRegister has the format:
ENG_MANUF_ID (a number) EngineModel (text)

What I would like to see is :
EngineManufacturer (text) EngineModel (text)

My apologies if it is difficult to understand my explanation of the problem.


PS If you email my account, expect a reply challenging your authenticity as
a person. Sorry, but you get that trying to keep SPAM out.

Jeff Boyce


A search through this newsgroup (tablesdbdesign) will reveal that a great
many folks try to use the Lookup data type in Access tables ... and
encounter problems like what you've described.

A general recommendation is "Don't!" Don't use lookup datatypes in tables,
as it leads to storing one value but displaying another (the "looked up"

Instead, do you "looking up" in forms, via combo boxes. Access tables are
great for storing data, but Access forms really shine when it comes to
displaying it.

If you are trying to get the selection in one field to limit selection in
another, check the forms newsgroup (or Google.com) on the topic of
"cascading combo boxes".

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