Access Novice - WinXp/Access 2003
I am in the process of designing my first database and plan to use this
mainly to teach myself Access. The purpose of this database is to store
employees data and track down employees personal info, employment
history, salary history, leave records, Visa/Residence Status (75% of
the employees of the company are expats of different nationalities) etc.
The tables in my original design contained many lookup fields but after
hanging over in this forum for quite some time now and understanding the
perils of lookup fields, I re-designed the database by removing the
lookup fields and putting them in many small lookup tables.
Now I have ended up with a single subject(employees) database with
numerous small tables, most of them directly linked to the main
employees table through Employees ID.
I feel the need to reduce the number of tables in the database since I
plan to add new features like sales order processing, invoicing etc at a
later stage. So I seek your valuable advice.
When a field value is drawn from a limited list of possible values, what
is the most efficient way of getting that value into the field? through
a lookup table or directly into the main table with field validation
rule property set to the list of all possible values? Instead of
applying the field validation rule property at table level, can it
independently be applied at form level? If yes, how?
Thank you for your time in advance.
I have seriously taken your advices given in this forum and really
started with a paper, pencil and a good eraser. So I hope you won't have
any hesitation in helping me! <grin>.
I am in the process of designing my first database and plan to use this
mainly to teach myself Access. The purpose of this database is to store
employees data and track down employees personal info, employment
history, salary history, leave records, Visa/Residence Status (75% of
the employees of the company are expats of different nationalities) etc.
The tables in my original design contained many lookup fields but after
hanging over in this forum for quite some time now and understanding the
perils of lookup fields, I re-designed the database by removing the
lookup fields and putting them in many small lookup tables.
Now I have ended up with a single subject(employees) database with
numerous small tables, most of them directly linked to the main
employees table through Employees ID.
I feel the need to reduce the number of tables in the database since I
plan to add new features like sales order processing, invoicing etc at a
later stage. So I seek your valuable advice.
When a field value is drawn from a limited list of possible values, what
is the most efficient way of getting that value into the field? through
a lookup table or directly into the main table with field validation
rule property set to the list of all possible values? Instead of
applying the field validation rule property at table level, can it
independently be applied at form level? If yes, how?
Thank you for your time in advance.
I have seriously taken your advices given in this forum and really
started with a paper, pencil and a good eraser. So I hope you won't have
any hesitation in helping me! <grin>.