G deady via AccessMonster.com
Can someone explain the value to me of lookup tables. I have a db for my law
firm. I created several lookup tables -1 for all the names of the Judges
where we practice, 1 for all the police depts, 1 for all the attorneys in our
county and the biggie- all the zip codes in the country listed by city and
state. But having done this I am now not sure of its value. Take the
zipcodes table. I have a data entry form to enter daya for new clients. I
have fields for client name and address and a combobox that looks up city
state and zip and displays in text boxes on form. Since the values in these
text boxes are not saved to my client table what are their value? If I later
want to print a report or mailing label for that client I will not have his
city state and zip saved. I understand the concept of normalization and the
need to avoid repetitive data but I don't understand how these lookup tables
help me. Can someone explain?
firm. I created several lookup tables -1 for all the names of the Judges
where we practice, 1 for all the police depts, 1 for all the attorneys in our
county and the biggie- all the zip codes in the country listed by city and
state. But having done this I am now not sure of its value. Take the
zipcodes table. I have a data entry form to enter daya for new clients. I
have fields for client name and address and a combobox that looks up city
state and zip and displays in text boxes on form. Since the values in these
text boxes are not saved to my client table what are their value? If I later
want to print a report or mailing label for that client I will not have his
city state and zip saved. I understand the concept of normalization and the
need to avoid repetitive data but I don't understand how these lookup tables
help me. Can someone explain?