LookUp with Mulitple Criteria



I am trying to look up values based on three criteria Area, Item Number
and Year.

The data is organized in 18 columns (Area, Item, Year (3 others not
relevent) and then 12 Months) and 200 + rows (which can grow each
month) the rows can be different years but same Item and Area.

I want to pull out the numbers from 2006 only.

I have tried;
-references are not correct if looking at attachment-
and Index Match function as an array and can't get it to work.

I could just delete 2005 data but the raw data comes formatted the same
every month.

A slice of the data is attached.

Any help would be apprciated.

|Filename: MulitLookExamp.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5020 |


Try entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter:


You may need to change $D16 and 2006 to reference your "Correct" cells but
this gives correct reults for Jan, Feb, Mar etc(copy along).



.....better ...


Entered as before with Control-Shift-Enter


How would I add a third (or 4th) critera I also need to be specific with
which area the item was associated with I tried;
$F$13=YEAR(R$15)),0),MONTH(R$15)*($A$:A$13="Etch Strip"))

Then changing the value in A5 and the result didn't change?

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