Lookup ?



is there a lookup function that I can use to categorize a column

In Column Q I have a percentage for example
ColumnQ ColumnR
22% 21-30%
4% 0-10%

So in Column R I need a formula that looks in column Q and then give R a value
of either
31% +


H said:
is there a lookup function that I can use to categorize a column

If the values in column Q are numeric (i.e. not text), then:

=LOOKUP(Q1, {0,0.11,0.21,0.31}, {"0-10%","11-20%","21-30%","31%+"})

If the values in column Q are text (or some numeric and some text), then
change Q1 to --Q1 in the LOOKUP formula above.

Note that the percentages in the 2nd argument must be entered as decimal
fractions, not 0%, 11%, etc.

----- original message -----

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