

Khalil Handal

In sheet2 cell F14 I have the following formula:

Instead of finding the correspondant value in colomn I, Is it possible to
display the AVERAGE of the 2 cells I+J ?
What changes should I make to the previous formula?


Niek Otten

Hi Khalil,

Here's a User Defined Function (UDF) that does what you require.
I added instructions in case you don't know (yet) how to implement a UDF

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Pasting a User Defined Function (UDF)
Niek Otten, March 31, 2006

If you find a VBA function on the Internet or somebody mails you one, and you don't know how to implement it, follow these

Select all the text of the function.
CTRL+C (that is, press and hold down the CTRL key, press C, release both). This a shortcut for Copy.
Go to Excel. Press ALT+F11 (same method: press and hold the ALT key, press the F11 key and release both). You are now in the
Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
From the menu bar, choose Insert>Module. There should now be a blank module sheet in front of you. Click in it and then
press CTRL+V (same method.). This a shortcut for Paste. You should now see the text of the function in the Module.
Press ALT+F11 again to return to your Excel worksheet.
You should now be able to use the function as if it were a built-in function of Excel, like =SUM(..)

' =========================================================================

Function TableInterpol(ToFind As Double, Table As Range, ResultColumnNr As Long, _
Optional SortDir, Optional KeyColumnNr)
' Niek Otten, March 22 2006
' Works like Vlookup, but interpolates and has some extra options
' 1st argument: Key to look for. Numbers only!
' 2nd argument: Range to look in and get the result from. Numbers only!
' 3rd argument: Relative column number in the range to extract the result from
' Optional 4th argument: defaults to: "Ascending"; any supplied argument forces Descending
' Optional 5th argument: Relative column number in the range to search the key in,
' defaults to 1

Dim RowNrLow As Long
Dim RowNrHigh As Long
Dim ResultLow As Double
Dim ResultHigh As Double
Dim KeyFoundLow As Double
Dim KeyFoundHigh As Double

If IsMissing(SortDir) Then
SortDir = 1
SortDir = -1
End If

If IsMissing(KeyColumnNr) Then
KeyColumnNr = 1
End If

RowNrLow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ToFind, Intersect(Table, Table.Cells(KeyColumnNr). _
EntireColumn), SortDir)
ResultLow = Table(RowNrLow, ResultColumnNr)

If ToFind = ResultLow Then
TableInterpol = Table(RowNrLow, ResultColumnNr)
Exit Function ' avoid unnesssary second MATCH() call if already exact match found
End If

RowNrHigh = RowNrLow + 1
ResultHigh = Table(RowNrHigh, ResultColumnNr)
KeyFoundLow = Table(RowNrLow, KeyColumnNr)
KeyFoundHigh = Table(RowNrHigh, KeyColumnNr)
TableInterpol = ResultLow + (ToFind - KeyFoundLow) / (KeyFoundHigh - KeyFoundLow) _
* (ResultHigh - ResultLow)

End Function
' =========================================================================

| Hi,
| In sheet2 cell F14 I have the following formula:
| =LOOKUP($C$1,SHEET1$A$14:$A$58,SHEET1I14:I58)
| Instead of finding the correspondant value in colomn I, Is it possible to
| display the AVERAGE of the 2 cells I+J ?
| What changes should I make to the previous formula?
| Khalil

Khalil Handal

Hi Niek,
I followed instructions and copy the VBA code as your instructions.
I went back to the Excel sheet and typed the following but still got an

I try also SUM(I14:J14)/2 for the last part and still have an error!

It seems that I miss how to write the last part of the formula!
Can you explain more please?


Perhaps just use the following formula


confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Khalil Handal

Thank You,
It worked well.


daddylonglegs said:
Perhaps just use the following formula


confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Khalil Handal

If values in sheet Mark are not entered in the cells yet (nothing is typed)
I will gett an error message: #DIV/0 (division by 0).
How can I use the IF Statement in order to see nothing insted of the #DIV/0
message in the cell?
Logicaly it would be like: If(ISERR(put " " in the cell, else type the
Averageof the 2 cells)
Can something like this be done?

(e-mail address removed)...

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