



I have a continuous form based on a query that generates
figures according to the data
say I have 4 fields
field1 contains 'a'
field2 contains 'b'
field3 contains a number

field 4 generates a figure based on the info of the 3
fields by saying
if field1 = "a" and field2 = "b" and field3 < 100 then
field 4 = ...
however i have several records in the form and if records
have the same values in field1 and field2 then all field3
values of these records should be added up with each other
before going to
if field1 = "a" and field2 = "b" and (sum of equal)field3
< 100 then .....
the original value of field3 should remain the same

all help on this welcome


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