


I wish to look up for a word of a phrase (written in a cell) in a column with

Col A Col B Col C
Col D
great hardware solutions 1 great 1
easy guides to success 0 benefits 1

I want to achieve the result in Col B (since 'great' is present in phrase of
A1 and 'great' is found in Col C too, the value corresponding to Col C in D
is 1 and thats what is achieved in Col B)

suppose I change Phrase in A1 to only 'hardware solutions'. Now since none
of the words of the phrase is present in col C, the value in Col B should
show 0.

thanks in advance for the solution


you can use find


becareful with the words you choose

AND will match both AND and GRAND.


i am sorry Joel but thats not the correct answer. guess u did not get the
quesion i asked. i want to see if any of the words in Col D is present in
cell A1. How do I do that? find and search do not help as they look up for
only a single word in a cell. However, I have around 33 words in separate
cells in Col D.


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