Need help converting daily data into weekly sums.
We have data from 25 offices - 7 rows of daily data from each of the 25
offices (1 row for each day of the week) totalling 175 rows of data. Each
row begins with the office name, followed by 132 columns of data. I need to
create a separate sheet with weekly data taken from the daily sheet. How do
I sum the daily data from each office in order to create a separate weekly
sheet? It should look the daily sheet except it's weekly data. It would be
25 rows, a row for each office, with the weekly data totaled in each column.
Have been experimenting with lookups to no avail. Am trying to stay in the
formulas available in excel.
Thank you for any help with this!
We have data from 25 offices - 7 rows of daily data from each of the 25
offices (1 row for each day of the week) totalling 175 rows of data. Each
row begins with the office name, followed by 132 columns of data. I need to
create a separate sheet with weekly data taken from the daily sheet. How do
I sum the daily data from each office in order to create a separate weekly
sheet? It should look the daily sheet except it's weekly data. It would be
25 rows, a row for each office, with the weekly data totaled in each column.
Have been experimenting with lookups to no avail. Am trying to stay in the
formulas available in excel.
Thank you for any help with this!