Hi all. I need some help. In Excel 2003, I am trying to use an existing
workbook to populate some data into another workbook. Below is an example of
the existing workbook (Daily Numbers Summary). What I am looking to do in the
new workbook (April) is match the current percentage to the nearest higher %
of workdays complete, and then return the corresponding date, etc. Also, the
new sheet will have rows that are for Feb-07 or Mar-07. So I need to make
sure that Feb feeds from Feb and not Mar and vice versa. I tried using
Vlookup but can't get it to work, then I tried the following formula:
=INDEX('[Daily Numbers Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13,MATCH(MIN(IF('[Daily
Numbers Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13-F8>=0,'[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13,FALSE)),IF('[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13-F8>=0,'[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$E$9:$E$13,FALSE),0)) and get an #NA error. Any help or
suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks....
% of workdays complete Month workdays day date
75% Feb-07 20 5 2/22/07
80% Feb-07 20 4 2/23/07
85% Feb-07 20 3 2/26/07
90% Feb-07 20 2 2/27/07
95% Feb-07 20 1 2/28/07
100% Feb-07 20 0 EOM
77% Mar-07 22 5 3/26/07
82% Mar-07 22 4 3/27/07
86% Mar-07 22 3 3/28/07
91% Mar-07 22 2 3/29/07
95% Mar-07 22 1 3/30/07
100% Mar-07 22 0 EOM
workbook to populate some data into another workbook. Below is an example of
the existing workbook (Daily Numbers Summary). What I am looking to do in the
new workbook (April) is match the current percentage to the nearest higher %
of workdays complete, and then return the corresponding date, etc. Also, the
new sheet will have rows that are for Feb-07 or Mar-07. So I need to make
sure that Feb feeds from Feb and not Mar and vice versa. I tried using
Vlookup but can't get it to work, then I tried the following formula:
=INDEX('[Daily Numbers Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13,MATCH(MIN(IF('[Daily
Numbers Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13-F8>=0,'[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13,FALSE)),IF('[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$A$9:$A$13-F8>=0,'[Daily Numbers
Summary.xls]Sheet1'!$E$9:$E$13,FALSE),0)) and get an #NA error. Any help or
suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks....
% of workdays complete Month workdays day date
75% Feb-07 20 5 2/22/07
80% Feb-07 20 4 2/23/07
85% Feb-07 20 3 2/26/07
90% Feb-07 20 2 2/27/07
95% Feb-07 20 1 2/28/07
100% Feb-07 20 0 EOM
77% Mar-07 22 5 3/26/07
82% Mar-07 22 4 3/27/07
86% Mar-07 22 3 3/28/07
91% Mar-07 22 2 3/29/07
95% Mar-07 22 1 3/30/07
100% Mar-07 22 0 EOM