I found this code & is very close to what I need! Since I'm a novice at code
writing, I find what I need & then try to modify. I think this will work but
I need a "do loop" or something to select "This" and "That" (see all
original code at bottom) from a two column table. (The code seems to work if
I put in the location of Ang & Rol in place of "This" ([F5]) & "That" ([G5])):
Set rngColumnFound = rngColumnToSearch.Find(What:=[F5], LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set rngRowFound = rngRowToSearch.Find(What:=[G5], LookAt:=xlWhole)
but I need to loop through the Ang/Rol table. Can anyone help?
example table (of course table can have "n" rows):
Ang (Col F) Rol (Col G)
Row 5 2 2
2 4
4 6
n n
I modified the code below to look through a hugh table & find the
intersection of Ang & Rol & then highlight the cell yellow. But need the
code to go through the Ang/Rol table instead of entering "This" & "That"
(F5/G5, F6/G6, etc.) each time.
Thanks in advance,
Sub FindIntersection()
writing, I find what I need & then try to modify. I think this will work but
I need a "do loop" or something to select "This" and "That" (see all
original code at bottom) from a two column table. (The code seems to work if
I put in the location of Ang & Rol in place of "This" ([F5]) & "That" ([G5])):
Set rngColumnFound = rngColumnToSearch.Find(What:=[F5], LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set rngRowFound = rngRowToSearch.Find(What:=[G5], LookAt:=xlWhole)
but I need to loop through the Ang/Rol table. Can anyone help?
example table (of course table can have "n" rows):
Ang (Col F) Rol (Col G)
Row 5 2 2
2 4
4 6
n n
I modified the code below to look through a hugh table & find the
intersection of Ang & Rol & then highlight the cell yellow. But need the
code to go through the Ang/Rol table instead of entering "This" & "That"
(F5/G5, F6/G6, etc.) each time.
Thanks in advance,
Sub FindIntersection()