loop, populate an array and replace?



I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?

old man

Hi Karina,

I am not sure what you want to do. I wrote this code (using the selection
object - using the range object as you did is the way to go but just to show
what I would do.) Its almost always faster to use ranges instead of
selections but I wonder if the string only occurs several times if it pays to
examine every paragraph.

In the code below I search for any paragraph with a particuler style and
then search for the string and then put the old and new string in two dynamic

Then at the msgbox point you can go through the document again and replace
each string with the corresponding new string....

Your note was a bit confusing as to what you are trying to do...

Old Man

Sub findtxt

Dim str1 As String
Dim more1 As Boolean
Dim oldstrings()
Dim newstrings()
Dim numstings As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer

' assumes option base 1 is in start of module!
numstrings = 0

'set up search..
With Selection.Find
.Text = ""
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = True
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With

more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 3")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "what"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
'manipulate str1 and put results in str2 - notice I am
using array cntr..
numstrings = numstrings + 1
str2 = str1 & numstrings

'now save old and new strings
ReDim Preserve oldstrings(numstrings)
oldstrings(numstrings) = str1
ReDim Preserve newstrings(numstrings)
newstrings(numstrings) = str2
End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If


str1 = "Old" & vbTab & "New" & vbCrLf
For i1 = 1 To UBound(oldstrings)
str1 = str1 & oldstrings(i1) & vbTab & newstrings(i1) & vbCrLf

MsgBox str1, vbInformation

End Sub

Karina said:
I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then this
webpage shows how to update cross references:
I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the new

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate all
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub

Russ said:
If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then this
webpage shows how to update cross references:
I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted between
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the new

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate all
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub

Russ said:
If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then this
webpage shows how to update cross references:
I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new to
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.

Russ said:
If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted between
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the new

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate all
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub

Russ said:
If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then this
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure 3-Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace other
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure *123*
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so I
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the caption
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?



I tested this on words styled "Strong", it found those words and created a
new Word Figure caption there. Then it looks for the same found text in the
document and creates a crossreference to that new caption. It loops that way
through the whole main document. (not headers or footers)
The options for captions and crossreferences can be tweaked.

A separate, similar subroutine can made to redo Table captions and

Try it out on a copy of a test document.
Hopefully, this will achieve what I mentioned as a goal. Then future
insertions will be renumbered automatically, after the fields are updated.
This also creates hyperlinks that when clicked on, take you to the Figure.
Ideally you should try to adjust the 'DOORS' application so that it outputs
what you want.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub
Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new to
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.

Russ said:
If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted between
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the new

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate all
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then this
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


If the original found caption text variable, strCapOrig, contains a
paragraph mark at the end, then that could limit what is found for
crossreferences. So I adjusted for that in this revision.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Strong")
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1)
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub


I tested this on words styled "Strong", it found those words and created a
new Word Figure caption there. Then it looks for the same found text in the
document and creates a crossreference to that new caption. It loops that way
through the whole main document. (not headers or footers)
The options for captions and crossreferences can be tweaked.

A separate, similar subroutine can made to redo Table captions and

Try it out on a copy of a test document.
Hopefully, this will achieve what I mentioned as a goal. Then future
insertions will be renumbered automatically, after the fields are updated.
This also creates hyperlinks that when clicked on, take you to the Figure.
Ideally you should try to adjust the 'DOORS' application so that it outputs
what you want.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub
Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new to
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.

Russ said:
If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted between
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure *123*
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a Figure
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled in
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document, so
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?


Oops, I mistakenly left "Strong" style in last subroutine message:

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Trim(Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1))
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub

If the original found caption text variable, strCapOrig, contains a
paragraph mark at the end, then that could limit what is found for
crossreferences. So I adjusted for that in this revision.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Strong")
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1)
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub


I tested this on words styled "Strong", it found those words and created a
new Word Figure caption there. Then it looks for the same found text in the
document and creates a crossreference to that new caption. It loops that way
through the whole main document. (not headers or footers)
The options for captions and crossreferences can be tweaked.

A separate, similar subroutine can made to redo Table captions and

Try it out on a copy of a test document.
Hopefully, this will achieve what I mentioned as a goal. Then future
insertions will be renumbered automatically, after the fields are updated.
This also creates hyperlinks that when clicked on, take you to the Figure.
Ideally you should try to adjust the 'DOORS' application so that it outputs
what you want.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub
Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.


If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled
from an external application.)


Figure 3-Figure*123* is captioned (I went through and replaced Figure
with a
sequential number)

The Figure *123* is referenced multiple times throughout the document,
to find the text all over the place. It may be before or after the
or in some other random place.

Here is my code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find
.Text = "-Table [\*]*[\*]"
'(This is what I want to capture as the oldValue)
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute
MyRange.Text = " - " & Format(startTabNum, "00") & " - "
'(This is what I want to capture as the newValue)
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

End Sub

I tried putting data into an array, but then my data wouldn't replace.
Can anyone help????? Is there a better way to do this?



Thanks so much! I am trying this out right now and will let you know what

Russ said:
Oops, I mistakenly left "Strong" style in last subroutine message:

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Trim(Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1))
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub

If the original found caption text variable, strCapOrig, contains a
paragraph mark at the end, then that could limit what is found for
crossreferences. So I adjusted for that in this revision.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Strong")
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1)
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub


I tested this on words styled "Strong", it found those words and created a
new Word Figure caption there. Then it looks for the same found text in the
document and creates a crossreference to that new caption. It loops that way
through the whole main document. (not headers or footers)
The options for captions and crossreferences can be tweaked.

A separate, similar subroutine can made to redo Table captions and

Try it out on a copy of a test document.
Hopefully, this will achieve what I mentioned as a goal. Then future
insertions will be renumbered automatically, after the fields are updated.
This also creates hyperlinks that when clicked on, take you to the Figure.
Ideally you should try to adjust the 'DOORS' application so that it outputs
what you want.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub

Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.


If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main
document (I want to
now go and replace this Figure *123* with the sequential number, so it
becomes Figure 3-sequential number. It's not always going to be a
3.....That number depends on where it is in the document and is pulled
from an external application.)



That is awesome! I would have never figured out how to search for the text
when I already searched for it once. I inherited this DOORS output, and I'm
working hard to change things, but not before this post-process is in place.

I tweaked things a bit, and played around with different options. I'm still
modifying a little, but this is what I ended up with:

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG")
.Text = "Figure [\*]*[\*]"

.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
With CaptionLabels(wdCaptionFigure)
.IncludeChapterNumber = True
.ChapterStyleLevel = 1
.Separator = wdSeparatorHyphen
.NumberStyle = wdCaptionNumberStyleArabic
End With

aRange.InsertCaption Label:=wdCaptionFigure
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:=wdCaptionFigure _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With

End With

End Sub

Thanks a bunch!

Karina said:

Thanks so much! I am trying this out right now and will let you know what

Russ said:
Oops, I mistakenly left "Strong" style in last subroutine message:

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Trim(Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1))
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub

If the original found caption text variable, strCapOrig, contains a
paragraph mark at the end, then that could limit what is found for
crossreferences. So I adjusted for that in this revision.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Strong")
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
If Right(strCapOrig, 1) Like vbCr Then
strCapOrig = Left(strCapOrig, Len(strCapOrig) - 1)
End If
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub


I tested this on words styled "Strong", it found those words and created a
new Word Figure caption there. Then it looks for the same found text in the
document and creates a crossreference to that new caption. It loops that way
through the whole main document. (not headers or footers)
The options for captions and crossreferences can be tweaked.

A separate, similar subroutine can made to redo Table captions and

Try it out on a copy of a test document.
Hopefully, this will achieve what I mentioned as a goal. Then future
insertions will be renumbered automatically, after the fields are updated.
This also creates hyperlinks that when clicked on, take you to the Figure.
Ideally you should try to adjust the 'DOORS' application so that it outputs
what you want.

Public Sub RedoFigureCaptions()
Dim aRange As Word.Range
Dim aRange2 As Word.Range
Dim capNumber As Long
Dim strCapOrig As String
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange.Find
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("caption.FIG") 'tested with "Strong"
.Format = True
While .Execute = True
strCapOrig = Trim(aRange.Text)
aRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _
TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _
Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow
capNumber = capNumber + 1
Set aRange2 = ActiveDocument.Content
With aRange2.Find
.Text = strCapOrig
While .Execute = True
aRange2.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Figure" _
, ReferenceKind:=wdEntireCaption, _
ReferenceItem:=capNumber, InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
End With
End With
End Sub

Correct. There are no field codes in the document. That's the initial
approach I wanted to take, but couldn't make it work. I'm incredibly new
all of this, and I've read every post and article on captioning and
referencing and numbering and arrays and I just don't get how I can make it
happen, so, I have this code that partly works.

The thing is that no other references will be inserted. This document is
generated from the DOORS application. There will be hundreds of such
documents that intend to be generated and then not updated in Word. All the
updates happen in DOORS and then the documents are regenerated, so all the
processing in Word needs to be automated and transparent to the user. I
realize this is a total hack, but I'm being pressured to make this work with
the current set of constraints.

Any insights? Again, I really appreciate your responses.


If you play around with Word's captions and crossreferences, you'll see how
easily everything is renumbered when another new caption is inserted
others and how the crossreferences to their respective captions change at
the same time. I believe your goal should be to get these plain text
captions and crossreferences turned into real Word captions and
crossreferences. None of these are currently fields now, correct?

They're not real cross-references. The document is generated by another
software application and they hard code the references to the extent that
they are the same as the table/figure caption, but when I have to renumber
the tables/figures, that sameness goes away.

So when I go through the document, I can renumber all the captions ok, but
then I need to create a lookup table to associate the old number and the

as referenced in Figure *[number1]* and Figure *[number3]*below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number1]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

as referenced in Figure *[number]* below texttext

Graphic object
Figure *[number2]* texttexttexttexttexttexttext

I incorporated oldman's code, but last I left the computer, the code was
still running. I'm not sure if there's a way to search/replace from the
array without looping through it? I'm incredibly new to all of this Word
VBA, so, I don't always understand what's going on. I really appreciate
of your time. Here's the new code:

Sub IncrementCountforTables()

Dim para As Paragraph
Dim startTabNum As String
Dim MyRange As Range

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

If para.Style = "caption.TBL" Then
Set MyRange = Selection.Range
startTabNum = 1

With MyRange.Find

.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = True

While .Execute

TRangeValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABold(startTabNum)
TABold(startTabNum) = TRangeValue
MyRange.Text = Format(startTabNum, "00")
TnewValue = MyRange.Text
ReDim Preserve TABnew(startTabNum)
TABnew(startTabNum) = TnewValue
startTabNum = startTabNum + 1
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd

End With
End If

Next para

For i1 = 1 To UBound(TABold)
string1 = TABold(i1)
string2 = TABnew(i1)
more1 = True

Do While more1 = True

Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Text = ""
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then

' put whatever regex you are searching for....
Selection.Find.Text = "Table [\*]*[\*]"
If Selection.Find.Execute Then
str1 = Selection.Range.Text
If str1 = string1 Then
Selection.Find.Text = string2
End If

End If
' get to the end of the paragraph
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
Selection.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
' search the rest of the document
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
more1 = False
End If



End Sub


If all the captions are cross referenced throughout the document, then
webpage shows how to update cross references:

I have some code to go through all paragraphs and if the paragraph is
styled "caption.FIG" then find some text formatted like this Figure
*123* and replace those numbers with a sequentially numbered list.

What I would like to do is put the values of the old numbers Figure
and the
new sequential number into an array and then use that data to replace
paragraph text.

Paragraph text references caption.FIG Figure 3-Figure *123* in my main

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