Loop through a User-Defined Type?



Does anyone know of a way to loop through a User-Defined type?

Here is what I am looking to do. Say I have this UDT...

Public Type BigType
a1 as String
a2 as String
a3 as String
a50 as String
End Type

I'm populating a variable of this type through a database query where
each item in the type aligns with a row in the query, so it is ideally
arranged for a simple loop. Granted, I could arrange this as an array,
but it is important to this particular application to have the UDT.

I've looked into the VBA Extensibility, but it seems a little overkill
to create a new sub on the fly to populate the UDF.

My apologies if I am repeating a recent post, but I have not been able
to find anything recent.



Could you define UDT as

Public Type BigType
a(50) as string
End type

So if we have Var(100) as BigType

For j= 1 to 100
For i=1 to 50
var(j).a(i)= .....
next i
next j


Unfortunately, no. A big part of defining the UDT in our application
is to make coding easier by leveraging the intellisense...converting
the UDT to two-dimensional array would make it difficult to understand
what item in the array refers to a specific property.

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