Loop through Row Range, Excel 2000, 2003




My BEGIN row range is "B8,D8:E8" END row range is "B15,D15:E15". I need
to check each row value and if the row is all blank I want to exit sub,
if the row range has all data then I want go to continue macro, if a
row has a blank cell I want to continue macro.

This is a example code I've got so far but I do not know how to get it
to loop the the rows:

If Range("B8").Value & Range("D8").Value & Range("E8").Value = "" Then
Exit Sub

Thank you for your help in advance,

Don Guillett

for i=8 to 15
if range("B & i &",d"& i & ":e" & i & ")="" then
next i
for each c in range("b8:b15")
if c="" and c.offset(,2)="" and c.offset(,3)="" then

Gary''s Student

sub demo()
For i = 8 To 15
If Cells(i, "D").Value & Cells(i, "E").Value & Cells(i, "B").Value = ""
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Don Guillett

Fully tested ?

For i = 8 To 15
If Cells(i, "D").Value & Cells(i, "E").Value & Cells(i, "B").Value = ""
If Cells(i, "D").Value AND Cells(i, "E").Value AND & Cells(i,
"B").Value = ""

Dave Peterson

I think Gary's Student was actually concatenating all those cells into a single
string and then comparing that concatenated string to "".

If the OP wanted to use AND, then it would look more like:

if cells(i,"D").value = "" _
and cells(i,"E").value = "" _
and cells(i, "B").value = "" then



Thanks Don Guillett & Gary's Student with your help I finally got my
code to work!



Thank you Dave for your help!


Dave said:
I think Gary's Student was actually concatenating all those cells into a single
string and then comparing that concatenated string to "".

If the OP wanted to use AND, then it would look more like:

if cells(i,"D").value = "" _
and cells(i,"E").value = "" _
and cells(i, "B").value = "" then



The code provided works great but I'm tring to insert it into this
code2 but it is not working right. It does not go to the next cell it
stays at row 8 and does not go to row 9 and so on. How can this code1
be inserted into code2 to work right?

Dim c As Variant
For c = 8 To 15
If Cells(c, "B").Value & Cells(c, "D").Value & Cells(c,
"E").Value _
= "" Then Exit Sub
Next c

Sub ErrorCheckData()
'Tom Ogilvy
Dim i As Long
Dim Cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each Cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set Rng = Cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
For Each cell1 In Rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & Cell.Address
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next Cell
End Sub

Sub ErrorCheckData()
'Tom Ogilvy
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Variant
Dim Cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each Cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set Rng = Cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
For c = 8 To 15
If Cells(c, "B").Value & Cells(c, "D").Value & Cells(c,
"E").Value _
= "" Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In Rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & Cell.Address
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next c
Next Cell
End Sub

Thank you for your help,

Tom Ogilvy

As previously posted:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i as Long
Dim cell as Range, cell1 as Range
Dim rng as Range
Dim msg(1 to 3) as String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

for each cell in Range("B8:B15")
set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
if application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 then exit sub
for each cell1 in rng
if cell1 = "" then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
msgbox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
exit sub
end if
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

jfcby said:

The code provided works great but I'm tring to insert it into this
code2 but it is not working right. It does not go to the next cell it
stays at row 8 and does not go to row 9 and so on. How can this code1
be inserted into code2 to work right?

Dim c As Variant
For c = 8 To 15
If Cells(c, "B").Value & Cells(c, "D").Value & Cells(c,
"E").Value _
= "" Then Exit Sub
Next c

Sub ErrorCheckData()
'Tom Ogilvy
Dim i As Long
Dim Cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each Cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set Rng = Cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
For Each cell1 In Rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & Cell.Address
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next Cell
End Sub

Sub ErrorCheckData()
'Tom Ogilvy
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Variant
Dim Cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each Cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set Rng = Cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
For c = 8 To 15
If Cells(c, "B").Value & Cells(c, "D").Value & Cells(c,
"E").Value _
= "" Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In Rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & Cell.Address
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next c
Next Cell
End Sub

Thank you for your help,


Hello Tom,

When I tried your code it give me a error message:
Run Time Error '13'
Type Mismatch

and highlights this line of code:
If Application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 Then Exit Sub

Thank you for your help,

Tom said:
As previously posted:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i as Long
Dim cell as Range, cell1 as Range
Dim rng as Range
Dim msg(1 to 3) as String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

for each cell in Range("B8:B15")
set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
if application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 then exit sub
for each cell1 in rng
if cell1 = "" then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
msgbox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
exit sub
end if
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Don Guillett

Merry xmas eve
I corrected the 1st one from the original post and either of these will
Your problem is that you want to EXIT the sub if all are blank. Of course,
if the first row is blank then the sub will NOT loop. What do you want?

Sub checkblanksinrow()
For i = 8 To 15
If Range("B" & i & ",d" & i & ":e" & i) = "" Then MsgBox Cells(i, "B").Row
Next i
End Sub
Sub checkblankinrow1()
For Each c In Range("b8:b15")
If c = "" And c.Offset(, 2) = "" And c.Offset(, 3) = "" Then MsgBox c.Row
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

My error, here is a correction:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i As Long
Dim cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
If Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("A1")) + _
Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("C1:D1")) = 3 _
Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

jfcby said:
Hello Tom,

When I tried your code it give me a error message:
Run Time Error '13'
Type Mismatch

and highlights this line of code:
If Application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 Then Exit Sub

Thank you for your help,

Tom said:
As previously posted:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i as Long
Dim cell as Range, cell1 as Range
Dim rng as Range
Dim msg(1 to 3) as String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

for each cell in Range("B8:B15")
set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
if application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 then exit sub
for each cell1 in rng
if cell1 = "" then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
msgbox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
exit sub
end if
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Just a heads up, but

Sub checkblanksinrow()
For i = 8 To 15
If Range("B" & i & ",d" & i & ":e" & i) = "" Then MsgBox Cells(i, "B").Row
Next i
End Sub

only checks for blanks in column B.


Hello Tom,

Thank you for your help! The code works great!

One more questions:

How do you reset the color to No Fill after the blank cells has data in

Thanks for your help,

Tom said:
My error, here is a correction:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i As Long
Dim cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
If Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("A1")) + _
Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("C1:D1")) = 3 _
Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

jfcby said:
Hello Tom,

When I tried your code it give me a error message:
Run Time Error '13'
Type Mismatch

and highlights this line of code:
If Application.CountBlank(rng) = 3 Then Exit Sub

Thank you for your help,


Hello Tom,

Thank you for your help once again! My previous question I think the
solution is add Else in the if statement like below is this correct? I
tried it and the colored cells were reset to No Fill.

Sub ErrorCheckData()
'Tom Ogilvy
Dim i As Long
Dim cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
If Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("A1")) + _
Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("C1:D1")) = 3 _
Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
End 'Exit Sub
If cell1 > "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Merry Christmas!
Hello Tom,

Thank you for your help! The code works great!

One more questions:

How do you reset the color to No Fill after the blank cells has data in

Thanks for your help,


Thank you everyone for your help!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Hello Tom,

Thank you for your help! The code works great!

One more questions:

How do you reset the color to No Fill after the blank cells has data in

Thanks for your help,

Tom Ogilvy

I would approach it like this:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i As Long
Dim cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

Range("B8:B15","D8:E15").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
If Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("A1")) + _
Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("C1:D1")) = 3 _
Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

jfcby said:
Hello Tom,

Thank you for your help! The code works great!

One more questions:

How do you reset the color to No Fill after the blank cells has data in

Thanks for your help,

Tom said:
My error, here is a correction:

Sub ErrorCheckTEST()
Dim i As Long
Dim cell As Range, cell1 As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim msg(1 To 3) As String
msg(1) = "ERROR Date is empty"
msg(2) = "ERROR Description is empty"
msg(3) = "ERROR Type is empty"

For Each cell In Range("B8:B15")
Set rng = cell.Range("A1,C1:D1")
i = 1
If Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("A1")) + _
Application.CountBlank(cell.Range("C1:D1")) = 3 _
Then Exit Sub
For Each cell1 In rng
If cell1 = "" Then
cell1.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
MsgBox msg(i) & ": " & cell.Address
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
Next cell1
Next cell
End Sub

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