Lee Jeffery
Using Excel 97 on WINNT.
I regularly receive a report and I need to identify if something ne
has appeared on the latest report. There are 2 identifiers I need t
use to decide whether to delete the compared row of info or keep it.
What I do is open the most recent report (call it ReportNew,xls for th
purposes of my question) and save it under a new name (Comparison.xls)
I then open the previous report (ReportOld.xls) to begin m
comparison. Up to this point, I'm cruising on automatic but from her
on in, I go to manual because I don't know how to write a loop to hel
me automate the next bit.
I want to compare the first value in Column B (B2) from Compariso
against all values in column B in ReportOld. This value is always an
digit number. If it doesn't exist in ReportOld, I need go no furthe
and just leave the row alone and move to the next Column B value. I
the value of B2 exists in ReportOld, I then need to check a secon
identifier which is always listed in Column D of both reports. Thi
second identifier consists of digits and text. If this value exists i
both reports (which means that it has previously been identified), the
I delete the row from Comparison. If the second value is not i
Comparison, this means that this is a new item and I want to leave i
alone and move to check the next cell in Column B of Comparison agains
all values in Column B of ReportOld and so on).
At the moment I copy the value and run a find function manually the
view the row to check for the second identifier but this is tim
consuming and mind-numbing, and I have been known to accidentall
delete information because my brain has stopped functioning. Pleas
help. I've tried to list this in a flow chart style to try to make m
descriptions a little clearer:
Does value in B2 of Comparison appear in Column B of ReportOld?
No - Leave in place and begin to compare value of B3 against ReportOld
Yes - Now check if value in D2 appears in D of ReportOld on same row a
value in B2
Does value of B2 and D2 in Comparison appear in same row in ReportOld?
Yes - delete entire row in Comparison
No - leave row intact and begin to compare value in B of next ro
I've searched for assistance where others have posted workboo
comparison questions but none seem to suit my situation. I have trie
to modify some loops but I'm not even sure which type of loop I need
there are no empty rows or cells in these reports as they have bot
been formatted to exclude any blanks. At the end of this I save al
changes to the Comparison workbook so that I now have 3 workbooks
ReportNew.xls, ReportOld.xls, and Comparison.xls. All 3 are needed fo
further reporting.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Lee :
I regularly receive a report and I need to identify if something ne
has appeared on the latest report. There are 2 identifiers I need t
use to decide whether to delete the compared row of info or keep it.
What I do is open the most recent report (call it ReportNew,xls for th
purposes of my question) and save it under a new name (Comparison.xls)
I then open the previous report (ReportOld.xls) to begin m
comparison. Up to this point, I'm cruising on automatic but from her
on in, I go to manual because I don't know how to write a loop to hel
me automate the next bit.
I want to compare the first value in Column B (B2) from Compariso
against all values in column B in ReportOld. This value is always an
digit number. If it doesn't exist in ReportOld, I need go no furthe
and just leave the row alone and move to the next Column B value. I
the value of B2 exists in ReportOld, I then need to check a secon
identifier which is always listed in Column D of both reports. Thi
second identifier consists of digits and text. If this value exists i
both reports (which means that it has previously been identified), the
I delete the row from Comparison. If the second value is not i
Comparison, this means that this is a new item and I want to leave i
alone and move to check the next cell in Column B of Comparison agains
all values in Column B of ReportOld and so on).
At the moment I copy the value and run a find function manually the
view the row to check for the second identifier but this is tim
consuming and mind-numbing, and I have been known to accidentall
delete information because my brain has stopped functioning. Pleas
help. I've tried to list this in a flow chart style to try to make m
descriptions a little clearer:
Does value in B2 of Comparison appear in Column B of ReportOld?
No - Leave in place and begin to compare value of B3 against ReportOld
Yes - Now check if value in D2 appears in D of ReportOld on same row a
value in B2
Does value of B2 and D2 in Comparison appear in same row in ReportOld?
Yes - delete entire row in Comparison
No - leave row intact and begin to compare value in B of next ro
I've searched for assistance where others have posted workboo
comparison questions but none seem to suit my situation. I have trie
to modify some loops but I'm not even sure which type of loop I need
there are no empty rows or cells in these reports as they have bot
been formatted to exclude any blanks. At the end of this I save al
changes to the Comparison workbook so that I now have 3 workbooks
ReportNew.xls, ReportOld.xls, and Comparison.xls. All 3 are needed fo
further reporting.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Lee :